Wednesday, July 28, 2010

The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner: An Eclipse Novella

The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner by Stephenie Meyer: Book Cover

Published Information

Author: Stephenie Meyer
Series: Twilight, parallel to series
Published: June 2010
Genre: Urban Fantasy
Pages: 192


Violence: PG-13 (You are aware of extreme violence occuring, but not many instances of it being described)
Sexual Content: PG-13 (Romance is not a key element of this book in the series, but there are cases of using sexuality to control others)
Language: PG (Can't recall much, but I do think there were some occasions)
Reading Age: High school
Buy Recommend: Borrow (Not a normal novel, but fun experience. Buy only if you need to have all of Meyer's books)
Overall Rating: 5 out of 10 (Not really meant to have own plot, etc)

Plot Summary

This book is meant to be a companion to Stephanie Meyer's Eclipse. It basically tells the story of a fairly minor character that you meet at the end of Eclipse. At the conclusion of Eclipse, there is a battle between the team of Cullens and werewolves against Victoria and her recently created Newborn vampire army. In the end, Bree surrenders to the Cullens rather than get killed. However, the Volturi show up just after the fight to "clean up the Newborn army" but arrive too late. When they discover that one has survived, Bree, they kill her.

So the book lasts a couple of weeks or months starting from the point Bree is turned, to the point where she is killed. Basically, you watch her try to fight her urgings to kill without much success. You also meet several other characters, one of which I think shows up in the fourth book, but I am not sure. Anyway, the story was built up so that the actress playing the part of Bree in the movie Eclipse would have some method of understanding the character. Since the effort taken to get most of the story out, Stephanie Meyers just put in a little extra time to fill in the details and release the novella.


This book isn't meant to be a stand alone. Much of the background to what is happening will be missed without having read the others. Additionally, the book is almost 200 pages, but there are no chapters. There are a couple of breaks that you might normally see in a chapter signifying a new time period or new point of view, but no called out chapters. If you are not into the Twilight series, I don't think this book will be as enjoyable as it could be.

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