Sunday, July 18, 2010

Artemis Fowl: The Time Paradox

Artemis Fowl by Eoin Colfer: Book Cover

Published Information

Author: Eoin Colfer
Series: Artemis Fowl #6
Published: July 2008
Genre: Fantasy
Pages: 432


Violence: PG-13 (Fantasy violence, not extreme)
Sexual Content: PG
Language: PG (Fairy language swear words)
Reading Age: Junior High
Buy Recommend: Hardbound (Several in my family will read this many times)
Overall Rating: 8 out of 10 (One of my favorites of the series)

Plot Summary

Artemis comes home one day to find that his mother is dying of a very advanced form of what appears to be a magical disease that the fairies thought they had eradicated years ago (about 8, to be precise). He calls in Holly, Fouly, and NO1 to help him figure out what is wrong and what can be done about it. To his horror, he finds out the only cure is found from liquids drawn from the body of an extinct monkey species that he helped eradicate eight years ago to fund his search for his father.

Through manipulation and out right lying to Holly and the others, he convinces them to help him go back in time to steal the monkey before his younger self can sell it. Problems start occuring as they go back. First, things aren't happening as he remembers them. Then, because of "poor memory", they are captured by the much younger butler. Holly and Artemis (the older version) escape and have to match wits against his younger version. The older version is more experienced and knowledgeble, especially with fairies, but the younger version hasn't learned that he has limits yet.

However, as the older Artemis continues his efforts, he begins realizing that there is more at work here than just a simple disease. Some one pulling strings that he can't see. In the end, Opal makes an appearance and forces both Artemises to work together to survive.


Just as with the other books in the series, there are plenty of topics to discuss and think about. In particular, when comparing the two Artemises, there are plenty of comments made about how far Artemis has changed, and most importantly, why he has changed.

This was my favorite book in the series. Partly because of the paradoxes that are there and the way they make you think. What would you do if you could go back in time? That is always fun for me to think about.

One thing I didn't like. The Opal in the past turns out to be this all powerful fairy because of some of the research she has done on exotic animals. She is so powerful that very little stands in her way, not even Artemis, except for some quick thinking. However, the Opal we have met in the past (meaning previous books) didn't have near the power or intellegence that this Opal from the past (meaning 8 years ago) had. So what happened. And now (spoiler alert) that both Opals are in the present, as well as both Artemises, how will things get resolved such that the Opal from the past is reverted to the Opal from the previous books? I hope the seventh book explains that...

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