Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Artemis Fowl: The Arctic Incident

Artemis Fowl by Eoin Colfer: Book Cover

Published Information

Author: Eoin Colfer
Series: Artemis Fowl #2
Published: May 2002
Genre: Fantasy
Pages: 288


Violence: PG-13 (Non-graphic violence, many scenes)
Sexual Content: G
Language: G (Fairy swear words)
Reading Age: Junior High
Buy Recommend: Hardbound (Not as good as first, but most of my family will read more than once)
Overall Rating: 7 out of 10 (Great story, but not as original as first)

Plot Summary

Now that Artemis has successfully stolen fairy gold, was able to avoid a brain wipe, and was able to bribe them into healing his mother, the fairies are cautious and keep an eye on him. So, when a goblin crime occurs in fairy world where human technology is involved, Artemis is implicated, brought into custody, and questioned. Artemis is able to prove he isn't involved, but is willing to help... for a favor. Artemis has located his father and will need fairy help to recover him.

And so, Artemis, Butler, Holly and the others join forces to figure out what is happening with the goblins and how human technology has been involved. And if they are able to safeguard the fairy security and stop the goblin problems, they will all be off to the Arctic Circle in Russia to save Artemis' father.


This is a great follow up to the original. Even though it is common to find authors joining enemies to accomplish a common goal, Mr Colfer does it in such a way that it seems natural. There are still gabs at each other, but also a grudging respect for each other. The fairies, Holly in particular, begin to trust and understand him. And as the story progresses, Artemis shows an even more uncharacteristic human side where he is willing to give up everything to help his father. Once again showing that love and compassion can change even the greatest criminal beings.

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