Thursday, May 13, 2010

Man's Search for Meaning

Man's Search for Meaning by Viktor E. Frankl: Book Cover

Published Information

Author: Viktor E. Frankl
Published: 1959
Genre: Historical Biography
Pages: 165


Reading Age: High school
Buy Recommend: Hardbound
Overall Rating: 8 out of 10

Plot Summary

This book is a memoir of Mr. Frankl and his experience in a concentration camp. In particular what he and others did to survive the experience, in comparison to those that didn't survive. Then he uses these ideas to discuss how others should live their lives because of what he has learned. It is very short book, and doesn't go into much depth on the actual suffering, leaving that to works by other authors, but rather the mentalities and tools needed to survive traumatic events in life.


Mr. Frankl's experience and the ideas/teachings he was able to draw from are inspiring. It is interesting to me that often times, the greatest teachings or lessons learned in life are from the greatest adversity. We see the same idea in religion and around the world. And while I won't being reading this book every day, I will be picking it up every couple of years to see if I can pick up other lessons that might apply to a different epoch in my life. This was a powerful and humbling book.

This is one of those books that is the "Book of the Month" by many book clubs my friends belong to. It is life changing, with plenty to discuss. This was required reading for one of my MBA classes, as well as required reading for my daughter in high school this next year.

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