I think I just saw the coolest thing to come along in the book reading world! Check out this video of the special iPad version of Alice in Wonderland. In looking a bit more, I also found this cnet article about other interactive book ideas. I have scoffed at using the Kindle, iPad, nook, etc, as substitutes for books for all kinds of reasons: digital form costs same as the book, can't share or trade the book with friends, I like the feel of books in my hands, etc. But if people really start putting effort into books like this, that would change my mind. I think I would begin to feel a toy envy that I have never felt before...
I was talking with some guys at work about this. Imagine interactive maps in fantasy books: showing the path a specific person has taken in the book, touch the name of a town in the text and have the map show you where it is, or show you where armies all are as you progress through the book. Imagine tutorial books about chess or Sudoku: when a challenge is shown, you can try and solve it before the technique is shown, or even a video sequence showing a specific technique. Imagine choose your own adventure books. Imagine mystery books where you can keep track of different clues found throughout the book. Imagine books that you have to solve a riddle or puzzle before you continue just like the actual hero/heroine.
Oh my gravy!
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